Roliga filmcitat
Zoolander: I'm pretty sure there's a lot more to life than being really, really good looking. And I plan on finding out what that is.
50 first dates: Can I have one last first kiss?
Can I have that? I need something to wipe my ass with.
Crash: It's just black people demeaning other black people, using that word over and over. You ever hear white people callin' each other "honky" all the time? "Hey, honky, how's work?" "Not bad, cracker, we're diversifying!"
Borat: He is my neighbor Nushuktan Tulyiagby. He is pain in my assholes. I get a window from a glass, he must get a window from a glass. I get a step, he must get a step. I get a clock radio, he cannot afford. Great success!
Bara lite allmän söndagstråk. Lite citat från filmer jag gillar. Blääää för söndagar när man inte har ngt att göraaaaaaaaaa!